
Breaking Down Big Tasks with Kristen Higdon

Want to listen to my conversation with Kristen about breaking down big tasks? CLICK HERE to listen to this content in Episode 22 of the Create Some Breathing Room podcast! We are getting back to guest interviews this month as we discuss dealing with overwhelm, and y’all are blessed because I got to talk with …

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Giving Yourself Grace Through Seasons of Life

Full blog posts are on hold for the summer as I create some breathing room and spend more time with my family! You can hear more about managing your priorities and giving yourself grace HERE in Episode 18 of the Create Some Breathing Room podcast. Episode Highlights Resources Mentioned: Apply for The Breathing Room   …

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The Purpose of Hobbies with Holley Gerth

You can CLICK HERE to listen to my full conversation with Holley Gerth in Episode 9 of the Create Some Breathing Room podcast! In this episode of Create Some Breathing Room, I got to interview one of my all-time favorite authors – Holley Gerth!!! In case you don’t know Holley yet, here’s a quick introduction: …

The Purpose of Hobbies with Holley Gerth Read More »

Top 3 Questions to Ask Before Saying “Yes”

Want to listen instead? CLICK HERE to listen to this content in Episode 7 of the Create Some Breathing Room podcast! The idea of actually pausing before immediately saying “yes” is something that is near and dear to my heart. It’s something that was very difficult for me to even consider as an option for …

Top 3 Questions to Ask Before Saying “Yes” Read More »

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