You need a guide who has been where you are and can help you get where you want to go.

Are you ready to take the next steps toward the life you’ve been dreaming of?

I’m here for that.

It takes courage to raise your hand and ask for help. 

And it’s time to get brave, sis! You don’t have to walk this journey alone.

You know there has to be a better way to live outside of the hamster wheel you’re stuck on, but you’re not sure how to get there.

And the thought of taking that first jump into the unknown is probably freaking you out (or was that just me?). 

Good news, sis – You don’t have to do the scary stuff alone! That first jump off the hamster wheel of chaos is always a lot easier if someone else is holding your hand. 

I help women live as the hero of their own story with a life that they love. I create resources for women so they can create healthy priorities and achieve their goals. 

Image of Rachel walking with a notebook in a park.

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

John 10:10b

Do any of these sound like you?

Image of a notebook with a pen and a latte in a blue coffe cup.

If so, you’re in the right place!

Trying to bear the weight of the world is exhausting, and it gets hard to know which things are more urgent and important than others. When you’re running around with your hair on fire, it all feels like an emergency!

I’m a certified Life Coach with an M.Ed., but it’s my life experience that allows me to provide the insight and strategies that are most helpful for you!

I can help you reach the results that matter most, using what I’ve learned along the way to get you there easier and faster.

Image of Rachel sitting in a chair with a tumbler that says "Girl you doin' a good job!".

See what others are saying...

I didn’t know what direction to take, and before working with Rachel, I was afraid I would have to settle for work that took up my time with something I didn’t enjoy. Working with Rachel, you will gain a stronger sense of direction and understanding of what to expect, and will be equipped with tools to help you succeed. She’s so personal! She is so gifted at making people feel seen and cared for.

-Taylor Wright

Taylor Testimonial Photo

Clarity coaching with Rachel is a legit game changer! Before our session, I was feeling overwhelmed by all the possible avenues in my business, and trying to balance my busy schedule. Rachel offered support by talking through my goals with me, discussing my capacity, and helping me develop an actionable plan to get started. She also made sure to help me find ways to balance my work tasks with other important things in my life. She helped me put the wheels in motion in a way that actually feels doable and aligns with my values. I highly recommend a coaching session with Rachel, it’s life-changing for anyone who’s looking to balance work with life and reach lofty goals!

-Alyson Beaumont

Ready to get serious about your future success?

In one-on-one coaching I provide you the support, encouragement, and resources you need make legit progress and overcome what has been holding you back. Coaching sessions are customized for you and your specific needs.

Whether you’re looking for clarity on how to create more breathing room in your life, where to use your God-given strengths and skills, or you just need a sounding board to cut through the chaos, I’m here for it!

$75 for a 60-minute session where we will:

  • dive into the struggles you’re dealing with
  • identify your goals
  • work together to create an actionable, manageable game plan
  • One month (2 sessions) package: one-time payment of $135 or two (2) monthly payments of $68
  • Three month (6 sessions) package: one-time payment of $400 or three (3) monthly payments of $135
  • Six month (12 sessions) package: one-time payment of $750 or six (6) monthly payments of $127

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

Proverbs 27:17

Here's how it works...

A picture of the number 1.

Schedule a Coffee Chat (always free!) - Together, we will determine if coaching is a good fit for you. I'll answer your questions and help you plan the next best steps.

A picture of the number 2.

In the coaching process, we will work through strategies & processes to identify your goals, discuss your personal capacity, clarify your strengths & skills, and map out your journey forward.

A picture of the number 3.

After our time together, you will have a personalized action plan, strategies that work, and systems in place to confidently work towards your goals.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…”

Hebrews 10:24

Image of Rachel smiling in front of a brown door.

As a wife, special needs mom, writer, and speaker, I know how it feels to drown in the overwhelm of doing All The Things. My life experience & journey have given me a passion for serving women who are living in that overwhelm now.  

I’ve helped women throughout the country put the wheels in motion towards their goals in a way that actually feels manageable, making the significant progress they’ve dreamed about. 

It’s an honor to be invited along on your journey, let’s do this!

Image of a heart.

Clarity Coaching

What would it look like for you to grow and flourish – as God intends for you – in this season of life? Whether your goals are personal, work-related, or relational, each of our sessions is tailored to meet your specific needs.

It’s time to step up and be the hero of your own story! You have big goals tucked away, but you’re not sure exactly what they are or how to reach them. I’ll serve as your personal guide, leading the way as we discover what it looks like for you to live your life and “have it abundantly (John 10:10).”

The change and growth you’re seeking is not about working harder, sis! We will work together to co-create a personalized plan that is actionable and manageable for you as you reclaim your identity in Christ and establish healthy priorities.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

Image of a clock.

Time Management Coaching

Have you reached that point of overwhelm where you just feel like you’re drowning and can’t get your head above the water? I see you, sis! You’re wearing all the hats, juggling all the balls, and trying to do All The Things.

I’m guessing you’ve even bought multiple planners, downloaded free scheduling printables, and tried different charts – but it’s just not making the difference you need. 

It’s time to get everything out of your head, prioritized, and organized! Once we’ve identified the core values & priorities in your life, everything gets filtered through that awareness to ensure your days are filled with the things that matter most to you. We will identify & utilize tools that work for your brain so that you can feel balanced and have the mental clarity & breathing room you’ve been craving.

I have an M.Ed. in special education, I’m a special needs mom, and I personally live (and thrive!) with ADHD. Creating systems and strategies for neurodiverse brains is my jam, and we will focus on moving forward with an attitude of gentle grace and self-love.

“The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.” Proverbs 20:5

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