January 2023

Woman on a laptop working at a desk.

The Fight Against Living Plugged In and Pulled Away

Being plugged in to technology is a great way to get things done! Unfortunately, there can be a trade-off for the ease and convenience we experience with daily use of tech… we start to depend on it too much. We might even start to feel like we can’t live without it. One Sunday, my family …

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Are Productivity and Hustle the Same Thing?

Want to dive a bit deeper into the difference between productivity and hustle? Listen to the podcast instead. CLICK HERE to catch this content on Episode 1 of the Create Some Breathing Room podcast. Serving and empowering women who are overwhelmed by All The Things is literally my job. People often ask me how I …

Are Productivity and Hustle the Same Thing? Read More »

Blue background with notebook, pen, coffee, flowers and gift box.

Reflections and Plans for 2023

Reflections and plans for 2023 are pretty popular topics right now. You can’t spend much time on the internet in January without encountering posts that list personal resolutions, a Word of the Year, diet & exercise programs that you MUST try, or self-help books that will change your life. It’s that “fresh start” season! Everyone …

Reflections and Plans for 2023 Read More »

Encouragement for the Woman Who is Drowning in Overwhelm

Drowning in overwhelm and need even more encouragement? Try listening to this blog post instead! CLICK HERE to tune in to this content on Episode 3 of the Create Some Breathing Room podcast! Being overwhelmed by worry was not the topic I originally had in mind. I had a completely different blog post message that …

Encouragement for the Woman Who is Drowning in Overwhelm Read More »

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