Want to listen instead? CLICK HERE to listen to this content in Episode 11 of the Create Some Breathing Room podcast!
The inspiration for today comes from a Jon Acuff quote:
“Be brave enough to be bad at something new.”
With this quote in mind, I polled our amazing community and podcast listeners over on Instagram with this question:
What hobby or activity would you want to explore if time and money weren’t an issue?
Y’all definitely showed up, and now we have an amazing list of hobby ideas! I love the list we’ve compiled for today because you have thought of activities and interests that I never would have considered, which is so helpful for everyone reading and listening to the podcast today!
Favorite Hobby Ideas
- Podcasting
- Professional writing
- Weightlifting with a personal trainer
- Making t-shirts; create & print own designs
- Travel
- Drawing
- Painting
- Pottery
- Knitting or crochet (there were a lot in the arts & crafts category!)
- Horseback riding
The prompt for this whole conversation came from an experience I had with a coaching client. Leah had started her own business and was working herself to death (almost literally with her chronic illness!), and she knew she needed to find some breathing room in her life. She also dearly loved her horses, but she couldn’t find any time to get out and be with them.
We had a couple of sessions together, and we identified several adjustments Leah could make to allow more time for her horses and for rest. Not too long after she started implementing those changes, I got this message from Leah…
“Hey Rachel! So, it’s noon… and I’m done with everything on my list for today… Now what?”
Having that “extra time” felt so foreign that Leah didn’t know what to do with it! We had found systems and strategies that worked for her, and she was able to create some breathing room for herself… but she was so used to being in hustle mode 24/7 that she didn’t know what to do with the breathing room we had created.
We took inspiration from Jon Acuff’s soundtrack, “Be brave enough to be bad at something new,” and our amazing Instagram community helped compile a list of hobby ideas that I never would have been able to create on my own! I’m adding to my list of things to try, and I hope you are, too.
I would love to know what you will choose to do or what you’re excited to try in an attempt to bring some fun and joy back into your life! Make sure you’re in our Facebook podcast community so you can share it with us and be encouraged to follow through with your choice. We are all in there taking steps together to create some breathing room and live with more intention, so come join the party!