New Podcast for Women: Create Some Breathing Room

We’re bringing a new podcast to town, and I cannot believe it’s finally time to tell you all about it!!! So here’s what you need to know…

While I am absolutely here to provide encouragement and motivation, Create Some Breathing Room is NOT your typical, “You go girl!” podcast. 

This podcast is for the woman who is ready to:

  • learn how to stop drowning in overwhelm
  • create some breathing room in her life
  • stop running on the “hamster wheel” and live intentionally

If any of that resonates, this podcast is for YOU!

Here’s how we’re kicking off this party on May 2, 2023:

Episode #1: Are Productivity and Hustle the Same Thing?  Since serving and empowering women who are overwhelmed by All The Things is literally my job, I am often asked how I manage to get All The Things done with all of the hats I wear. I hope you enjoy (and possibly laugh a bit at) this honest summary of a week in my life.

Episode #2: Slow Growth and Capacity with Mary Marantz  Our very first guest interview, and it’s with best-selling author Mary Marantz – what even is my life?! I know you will love this conversation as much as I did!

Episode #3: Encouragement for the Woman Who is Drowning in Overwhelm  Sometimes we just need to hear these words of encouragement directly in our ears! This one is based on a previously shared blog post that resonated with a lot of you, and it was a blessing to share on audio. 

Be the first to know when we’ve got new episodes: Subscribe to / Follow Create Some Breathing Room on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

If you just can’t wait until May 2nd, you can go listen to the trailer now! 

For those who are still lifelong readers and not quite into the podcasting groove yet, I will still be sharing the content from each week’s podcast episode here on the blog. In fact, we’ll wrap up today’s post with the content of the podcast trailer so you can get an even better idea of what to expect.

Create Some Breathing Room – Podcast Trailer

I want to tell you a quick story about how an overwhelmed working mom with undiagnosed ADHD got her ish together and finally created some breathing room in her life. (It’s me, by the way. This is about me.) 

I’ve always been a bit of a planner collector – office and school supplies are 100% my jam – but it wasn’t until 2021 that I finally started implementing the strategies and systems that helped me feel like I could actually get things done. This process allowed me to finally create some breathing room in my life, and I’ve been on a mission to help others get those same results ever since.

Do you ever find yourself wishing you had more time or wondering what you even did all day? Time is often made out to be an enemy that causes stress, overwhelm, worry, and anxiety.

But here’s the big secret: You do not have to be a victim, and time is actually a tool that you have full authority to leverage however you want! 

I would love for you to join me here on this podcast as I give you the strategies and motivation you need to reclaim your time for what is most important, escape that life of exhaustion, and discover a better way of living with peace and intention. This is what it feels like when you finally create some breathing room! 

I am a lifelong teacher and writer, mom, Jesus lover, and coffee addict, and I’ve walked the long path from burned out and drowning to confidently thriving with joy. Each week, I will share the lessons, resources, and people who helped me make that transformation through interviews, book reviews, and strategies that will help you take the steps needed to make this lifestyle your reality. 

When you are working so hard to survive each day and take care of everyone else, it’s easy to feel guilty or selfish for desiring any amount of alone time or self-care. The goal of this podcast is to show you how to take control of how your days are spent, to allow space for the important things that light you up, and to design a life where you are confidently living out your God-given purpose. 

I know you’re with me on this! Life can feel crazy and overwhelming sometimes, but you will never regret taking the time to create some breathing room.

Create Some Breathing Room podcast, Trailer
Released March 6, 2023



Hi I’m Rachel!

I’m a lifelong teacher, writer, and speaker. I’m passionate about serving women who are overwhelmed with All The Things so they feel empowered to create some breathing room and live a more intentional life. 

Image of a heart.

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