42. Unleash Your Purpose: The Power of Finding Your People

If you’re ready to unleash your purpose in this one-and-only life, then it’s time for you to learn about the power of finding your people. God created you with purpose, and you are not expected to go it alone!

Episode Highlights

  • Living in your Purpose – God called you to something, but He didn’t call you to go through it alone.
  • The importance of having people that provide accountability, grace, understanding, and that push to live intentionally
  • How and where to find friends who will walk this journey with you
  • Going beyond the surface – the importance of deep connections and meaningful friendships in fulfilling your purpose
  • How to take the next steps for finding and growing these friendships

Resources Mentioned

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2 thoughts on “42. Unleash Your Purpose: The Power of Finding Your People”

  1. Hi Rachel,
    This podcast was wonderful. I’m actively trying to put faith into my daily business life and this message was something I needed. I love the book of Ruth and find both Ruth and Naomi so inspiring. You were a blessing to me today!
    Thank you and God bless,

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