The Purpose of Hobbies with Holley Gerth

You can CLICK HERE to listen to my full conversation about the purpose of hobbies with Holley Gerth in Episode 9 of the Create Some Breathing Room podcast!

About Holley Gerth

Holley Gerth is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, former counselor, and life coach. She imagines a world where we all become who we’re created to be, use our strengths to serve, and grow for a lifetime. Holley co-founded the groundbreaking blogging community (in)courage and co-hosts the popular podcast More Than Small Talk. Find additional resources and connect with Holley at

As we began our conversation about the purpose of hobbies, Holley shared that her idea of “breathing room” means having margin to be intentional. Instead of moving at a constant pace of hurry that causes her to live in a state of being reactive and worn out, she spoke about “going at a pace that is not just doable, but sustainable.” Yes, please!

The Purpose of Hobbies

The focus of our conversation was around the benefits of having a hobby that you enjoy or feel passionate about. A lot of Holley’s books focus on clarity around your identity, which includes your God-given strengths, skills, and passions. Holley pointed out that one of the best things about having a hobby is that you’re not required to perform for anyone else. You’re just doing it because this is something you want to do, not something you need to do.

If you’re unsure of how to find a hobby you might enjoy, try starting with the question Holley presented: “What did you like to do when you were 10?” Those were the things we did simply because they brought us joy!

I was dying to learn more about our special guest, so I asked Holley to share her current method of exploring hobbies. I love that her word for this year is “mini-adventure.” She had such a fun list to share! Did you know you can take a charcuterie class? Or maybe your next adventure will be trying pickleball! (Listen to the full episode to hear all of the ideas Holley shared!)

One of my favorite takeaways from this conversation was Holley’s belief that learning to be a beginner is a life skill that we have to keep practicing into adulthood. Many people don’t start new or unfamiliar activities because they’re not comfortable with the idea of beginning at ground zero. This is something we’re pretty good at when we’re kids because everything is new and exciting, but it’s not a skill most adults hold on to.

Recommended Tools and Resources

Along with her mini-adventures, Holley mentioned the micro-goals she currently has that help her create some breathing room in her own life. If you’re looking for a small win that can make a big difference, make sure to check out the tools and resources she uses for her morning goals:

And do NOT skip past Holley’s books & resources listed here (and this is not an exhaustive list – just a few of my favorites)!

If this conversation left you feeling like you need more Holley in your life (because you totally do), make sure you check out the resources on her website!

It means so much to me that you are part of this community! I never recommend anything to you that I don’t truly love and believe is worthwhile. Some of the links I share are affiliate links, and I will earn a tiny commission if you go through them to make a purchase. It’s no extra cost to you, and buying through the links I share is one small way you can support this ministry and our podcast. 



Hi I’m Rachel!

I’m a lifelong teacher, writer, and speaker. I’m passionate about serving women who are overwhelmed with All The Things so they feel empowered to create some breathing room and live a more intentional life. 

Image of a heart.

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