What is the Value of Coaching?

Two coaches standing near each other speaking.

Tell me if this sounds familiar: You have a huge dream or goal, and you really want to make it a reality… but you can’t quite see a clear path to making it happen. Also, it’s not like things like that actually happen for people. I mean, it would be amazing if it could happen since it’s your lifelong dream! But seriously, how could you even make it past the first step? Speaking of that… What even is the first step?!

Maybe this soundtrack only plays in my brain, but I have a feeling I’m not the only one. While I used to struggle with this mental battle of confusion and doubt, I’ve recently learned to view it as an exciting opportunity. I might not be able to see the full picture by myself, but I can reach out to someone else who can offer their perspective and guidance. Once we make this shift in mindset, we can begin to unlock the power and value of coaching.

As someone who has been on both sides of the coaching process, I recognize that I have a lot to say about the value of coaching. Let’s be very clear: The realm of sports has never been my strong suit, so we’re obviously not talking about that kind of coaching in this space. We’re talking about the support you can invest in when you have goals and dreams, but you can’t quite see a clear path to reach them. This variety of coaching brings clarity, purpose, and actionable goals that will see you across that finish line you’re dreaming about.

I recently wrote about the power of gaining clarity after my experience with a certified hope*writers coach at the conference I attended in November of 2022. This scenario was the perfect example of just being open to the benefits of coaching. I signed up for a slot with no expectations, but I knew I needed someone else to hear me say the words out loud and offer their perspective. When you allow an experienced coach to join you on your journey, they can repeat your words back to you and summarize them in a way that can bring clarity to your vision.

Once you’ve nailed down that clear vision of where you want to go, it’s important to solidify your purpose and define goals that will take you across the finish line. You might know what you want, but the specific actions and next steps can feel a little fuzzy. Bringing in a coach allows you to draw from someone else’s perspective and experiences. You can see your ideas through their eyes, and they will often have more ideas for how to move forward with options you hadn’t even considered. I recently shared about the bravery it took to sign up for my full day coaching session with best-selling author, Mary Marantz, and those benefits are exactly what I experienced during our time together. There is such value in finding confidence in your God-given purpose and creating an action plan to reach it!

When you invest in yourself by inviting a coach to walk with you on this brave journey, you benefit from the strengths, skills, and experiences of others. Trying to do everything alone will leave you feeling overwhelmed and scattered. We all need someone to come alongside us so we can make sense of the chaos and create an organized, actionable plan. Once you’ve gathered the courage to reach out for help, you can finally take steps forward and make progress towards your goals.

If you need someone in your corner to sort through the chaos, help you gain clarity, and create an actionable plan, I would love to step in! BONUS: I’m offering $100 off of my Clarity Coaching sessions for the remainder of this month (Feb. 2023). There are a limited number (because I have a limited schedule 😉), so click here to grab your session before they’re all gone! 



Hi I’m Rachel!

I’m a lifelong teacher, writer, and speaker. I’m passionate about serving women who are overwhelmed with All The Things so they feel empowered to create some breathing room and live a more intentional life. 

Image of a heart.

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