Are You Sleepwalking Through Life?

Want to hear the full episode to see if you are sleepwalking through life? CLICK HERE to listen to this content in Episode 41 of the How’s All That Working For Ya? podcast!

Do you feel like you’re sleepwalking through life? We’re talking about living in your God-given purpose this month, and I want to reflect on what that looks like in a really practical way. 

Let’s start with a question: Have you ever seen someone sleepwalk? Or maybe you’ve done something like that yourself.

So many of us are doing something very similar in our daily lives, but we don’t even realize it. And I’ve got to ask… how’s all that working for ya? 

Today, let’s take a moment to think about these 2 questions: 

  1. What am I doing? 
  2. Why am I doing it? 

Running on the Hamster Wheel

There’s a good chance that you’re just going through the motions and keeping up with the daily routine. Many of us feel like we’re running on the hamster wheel, and it’s time to ask: Where is it taking us?

See if you can relate to this quote from one of my coaching clients:

“I’m just doing what needs to be done. It’s like I’m running on autopilot, but I have no idea who set the course. I’m definitely not the one steering the plane. I have no idea when I handed over the controls or how to get them back. Am I even allowed to do that??”

Too Preoccupied to be Present

The truth is, many of us feel like we don’t have time to live in the present. We’re too busy knocking out to-do lists to live intentionally.

Do any of these quotes sound familiar?

“I need more clarity on WHAT I want to pursue and HOW to get the ball rolling. I need someone to help me sift through these ideas and decide the order of operations.”

“I care too much about pleasing others and not making myself a priority.”

“I’ve got too much to do to stop and think about what I actually need to be doing. I don’t even know if I’m spending my time doing the things that matter, but the hamster wheel just keeps spinning.”

If you are feeling too rushed and overwhelmed to enjoy the quality of life you want and be present with others, I cannot recommend this book enough. Here are a few of my favorite quotes on this topic from The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer:

“People in a rush don’t have time to enter the goodness of the moment.”

“…slow down long enough to observe your life from the outside.”  

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” (quoting Socrates)

“Life is right under our noses, waiting to be enjoyed.”

“…we achieve inner peace when our schedules are aligned with our values.”

(If you’d like to learn more about this book, you can listen to my Reader Review in Episode 5 of the podcast!)

Create Some Breathing Room to Live Intentionally

Living in your purpose means living in your God-given strengths, skills, and passions. Do you know what those are?

If you need help getting started, check out these podcast episodes where we’ve discussed identity, priorities, and hobbies: 

What if you created some breathing room to actually think about these things? Could you live in a way that celebrates who you are and how you were created? Imagine feeling confident in how you spend your days when you make those decisions with purpose!

Stop Sleepwalking Through Life

We get this one life – how do you want to spend it? Will you keep running on the hamster wheel and watching each day pass by? Or can you take a little time to reflect and reset to live an intentional life?

Talking through questions like this and creating a plan for the next steps is at the very heart of my coaching services. I’m so thankful for opportunities that come along to work with clients like Alyson! Here’s what she had to say after a few sessions together: 

“Before our sessions, I was feeling overwhelmed by all the possible avenues in my business, and trying to balance my busy schedule. Rachel offered support by talking through my goals with me, discussing my capacity, and helping me develop an actionable plan to get started. She also made sure to help me find ways to balance my work tasks with other important things in my life. She helped me put the wheels in motion in a way that actually feels doable and aligns with my values.”

Grab a free Coffee Chat that works with your schedule so we can find out what your next best steps can be!

Some of the links I share are affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you go through them to make a purchase. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because I think they are amazing!


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Hi I’m Rachel!

I’m a lifelong teacher, writer, and speaker. I’m passionate about serving women who are overwhelmed with All The Things so they feel empowered to create some breathing room and live a more intentional life. 

Image of a heart.

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