Overcoming Self-Doubt

Woman starting at a chalkboard with question marks and scratching her head.

If you have met someone who is amazing at overcoming self-doubt and able to do all things in life well with no help at all, please share their information with me! I would love to know what their secret is.

Woman staring in the mirror needing help overcoming self-doubt.

Personally, I have yet to find anyone who meets that criteria.

In fact, most people I know are looking to someone else for help or education in some area of life (often more than one!).

Let me be the first to share my gratitude for those who are willing to fill the coach, teacher, and mentor roles.

“But Rachel… don’t YOU serve as a coach, teacher, and mentor??”

Why, yes. Yes I do. But I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again…

Even the best coaches need a coach.

…which brings us to this next insane chapter of life that I am so excited to share with you!

Books by Mary Marantz

When I was presented with the opportunity to spend a full day with a best-selling author at her home in Connecticut, my initial response was to reject that it was a legit possibility.

Why would I even consider such an outlandish trip?

I had objections on top of objections to rationalize staying home and letting this chance pass by.

Self- doubt was telling me there was no way in the world this was a real possibility!

Would any of these thoughts resonate with you…

  1. She’s a best-selling author. I am Rachel. We could really just stop there.
  2. There is a significant amount of money that I would need to spend for the full day of coaching services, flights from Arkansas to Connecticut, a rental car, food, and coffee. 
  3. I would have to prep All The Things for my family to do life while I’m in another state for 3 days.
  4. What if I get there and she thinks my ideas are garbage?
  5. What if I get there and she thinks *I* am garbage??

(You might notice a downward spiraling trend here.)

Not overcoming self-doubt could have kept me from an amazing opportunity!

Overcoming self-doubt lead to Mary Marantz and Rachel D. Baker hanging out.

But in case you didn’t hear me shouting from the rooftops over on Instagram last week…

I overcame my own objections & made the scary, brave choice to go!

I made all of the plans.

Then I did the overwhelming adulting tasks that my ADHD brain rebels against.

And I spent the dollar bills to make it happen! 

Because I took the risk (thus overcoming self-doubt), I spent a full day with the lovely Mary Marantz and her gracious husband, Justin.

Overcoming self-doubt lead to Mary Marantz and Rachel D. Baker working together.

They were such kind hosts to this crazy southern girl who was eager to learn and grow!

I was given delicious meals, hot chocolate, and red wine throughout my stay.

Mary and I got SO much work done, and the plans for 2023 are EPIC. (Seriously, it’s taking all manner of impulse control to not just spill all the beans at once!!! Stay tuned…)

Bonus: They did not call me or my ideas “garbage” even one time! #winning 

Encouragement if you need help overcoming self-doubt

Overcoming self-doubt lead to Mary Marantz and Rachel D. Baker celebrating the work they accomplished together!

Are you letting self-doubt hold you back from experiencing your big dreams, friend?

If so, know that you aren’t alone! Self-doubt is a beast, but we’re in this together (I’m only an email or DM away!)!

May we never be too proud to ask for help!

And may we always be brave enough to try the new, scary things!

Because you never know what amazing things could happen when you do!



Hi I’m Rachel!

I’m a lifelong teacher, writer, and speaker. I’m passionate about serving women who are overwhelmed with All The Things so they feel empowered to create some breathing room and live a more intentional life. 

Image of a heart.

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