Book Rachel for your next event!

One of Rachel’s favorite ways to connect with women is through conferences, workshops, and retreats. She is passionate about speaking to women who are overwhelmed by All The Things they’re juggling for everyone else. Her goal is to help them create some breathing room to overcome the chaos of their lives so they can discover their worth and live out their calling

Between speaking events, Rachel shares her encouragement, support, and resources with women across the world as host of the How’s All That Working For Ya? podcast

As a chronic pain & illness warrior, special needs mom, and woman with ADHD, Rachel deeply understands the battle of doing All The Things for everyone else while trying to keep your head above water. Her encouragement and sass cut through the fluff and speak directly to the hearts of overwhelmed women with a mix of humor, vulnerability, and scriptural truths.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."

Philippians 4:8

Rachel speaks on topics such as:

Overcoming Overwhelm & Stress

Knowing Your Value in Christ

Confidence in Your Identity

How to Get More Done in Less Time

Living a Life of Purpose

Intentional Living vs Hustle Culture

Patience Through the Hard Times

God’s Redeeming Love

If you’d like to book Rachel to speak at your event, have her be a guest on your podcast, or have any other media inquiries, please fill out the form below. Our team will respond within 2-4 business days.

Thank you!

Previous Speaking Engagements

  • The 28-Day Devotional Challenge with Erin Grineaux, February 2024 – Day 12, “Finding Your Holy Confidence”

  • Park Avenue church of Christ women’s event, April 2023 – “A Day of Hope: Know Your Worth & Find Your Place”

  • Teachers Make Money Online Summit, July 2022 – “How to Create a Profitable Week (Without Losing Your Mind!)”

  • EFL Entrepreneur Conference – Philip Pound, Aug. 2022 – “How to Create a Profitable & Sustainable Week”

  • Virtual Women’s Ministry Summit, Feb. 2021 – “How Do I Smell? Choosing Joy When Life Stinks”

  • Virtual Women’s Ministry Summit, Apr. 2021 – “Are We There Yet? Patience in the Journey”

  • Sanity Saving Systems Summit, June 2021 – “Get Stuff Done – How to Organize and Prioritize the Endless Lists”

  • Online Teaching Framework training; Nov. 2021 – “Clarify WHAT and WHO You Are Teaching”

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